Clearwater cave is a Asia’s longest cave, measuring some 107 km. It has a subterranean river, part of which is navigable by boat. There are two ways of reaching Clearwater. Firstly, you can trek along a 4 km nature trail which takes approximately one and half hours. The normal tour however is by longboat along the Melinau River, stopping off at Wind Cave (which is part of the Clearwater Cave system) along the way. It normally takes about 15 minutes to reach Wind Cave by boat.A plankwalk leads from the riverbank to the entrance of Wind Cave. As its name suggested, Wind Cave was breezy and at certain spots, the wind was rather strong. At the end of the passage is the famous King’s Chamber, brilliantly lighted up to highlight the stalactites and stalagmites. The 400-metre plankwalk that leads to Clearwater Cave is built hanging on the limestone cliff that had fallen down vertically to the floor of Sungai Melinau.The path takes you to a shallow tributary that ends with a deep pool
at the foot of a hill.From here you will climb a flight of 200 steps through the forest to the mouth of Clearwater Cave. With its underground river, The gushing sound of its underground river could be heard in the cave. At the end of the passage you will climb down the steps to the picnic area. At the base of the steps there is a crystal clear pool that is filled by water that flows out of the cave. Here visitors can take a refreshing dip in its cold water if they wish to do so. Locals believe that a dip in Clearwater River will restore one’s youth by five years!


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