Lun Bawang, Murut and Iban to the north, Kelabit in the south east, Berawan and Penan to the south and some nomadic Penan within the boundaries of the park; all have lived in this rainforest for millennia.
Orang Ulu people are a diverse group of many cultures share a remarkable understanding of the rainforest which they have used for generations for their food, medicines, tool making and building shelters

Rivers are not only the lifeblood of the rainforest and the caves but also for the people of Mulu.  Longhouse life centres around the Melinau and Tutoh Rivers for transport, washing, food, play and for simply watching the world go by.  Travelling along the Melinau to Wind and Clearwater Caves gives visitors great insight into the everyday activities of these communities.
You can stop by at the Batu Bungan handicraft market on your way up-river to visit the Cave of the Winds and Clearwater Cave or you arrange a boat to take you downstream to the larger Tutoh River and visit the Penan community of Long Iman to learn about how medicinal plants are used even today. They too have a handicraft market or you can arrange for one of the local people to take you on a forest walk to the beautiful Long Iman waterfall.


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