Sarawak Chamber (Advanced) (minimum of 3 persons)
Advance booking required -RM225 per person
(Advanced Level – requires Park Manager approval) Sarawak Chamber is a tour for visitors that Sarawak Chamber is a challenging trek even for fit and experienced cavers. Taking one very full day, beginning at 6.30 am at the Park HQ Office you will follow the Summit Trail for about 3 hours to reach the entrance to Good Luck Cave. Access to the chamber takes about 3 hours along a 800 metre river channel with sheer rock faces rising to about 50 metres on either side.After a 200 metre traverse and a steep boulder slope you come face to face with the inky blackness of Earth’s largest chamber, but you wont actually get into the chamber itself.
Enjoy a short rest at the mouth of the chamber, before the return trip.You will need to have good hiking boots, a day pack, raincoat, lunch, water, personal first aid kit and a back up torch. You will be provided with a caving helmet, head lamp and ropes as required. If during the trek to the cave entrance the guide believes that water levels will be too high in Sarawak Chamber but still suitable at Drunken Forest then the tour will be changed at no extra charge.

The Garden of Eden
Experience both the caves and the rainforest.
Either a half day activity known as
The Garden of Eden Pools (minimum of 3 persons – maximum of 8)
Garden of Eden Valley Walk (minimum of 3 persons – maximum of 8 persons)
Advance Booking Required
RM105 per person
Picnic Lunch and afternoon tea is included
No additional charge for Deer and Langs Cave tours when combined with the walk.
Distance/Time 12km walk – round trip to the Park Office.Begin your adventure leaving from the Park Office at 9.00am.From the Garden of Eden pool, climb, walk and swim up the Eden River to the walking trails that wind around the valley to a series of waterfalls and rock pools perfect for swimming.This secluded valley receives few visitors and is an ideal place for a picnic lunch, photography, exploring and enjoying the peace. After exiting the Deer Cave your Guide will show you Langs Cave then leave you at the Bat Observatory to wait for the Bat Exodus around dusk. It is a good idea to bring some dry clothes to change into to await the Bat Exodus.You return to Park HQ at your leisure along the Rainforest Discovery Walk.


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